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Polokwane Solar Solutions

Polokwane Solar Solutions

Polokwane Solar Solutions

Email enquiries:

Business Hours

Mondays: 08h00 – 17h00
Tuesdays: 08h00 – 17h00
Wednesdays: 08h00 – 17h00
Thursdays: 08h00 – 17h00
Fridays: 08h00 – 17h00
Saturdays: 09h00 – 13h00

Sundays: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

Do installations include an ECOC?

Yes, our solar installation services include the issuing of a valid electrical certificate of compliance.

Are there fees to become a solar reseller?

There are no monthly or yearly fees to be a reseller for Polokwane Solar Solutions.

All requests to become a reseller are subject to manual review and approval. This can take up to 48 hours. Your login details will remain the same.

If an account is inactive or has infrequent orders, Polokwane Solar Solutions may (at it’s sole discretion) revert the account back to regular pricing.

Reverted accounts may re-apply for reseller status, but will also be subject to manual review and approval.

How long does installation take?

Installation time entirely depends on where you are based, the scope of the installation and the availability of our installation crew.

Please give us a call and provide us with the relevant details to receive an estimation of  required time to complete your installation.

Who is eligible for Free Shipping?

Clients within the vicinity of Polokwane that require installation services, as well as anyone with orders valued over R500 000.

How Can We Help

What is your reason of contact?

What is your sales platform(s)

What is the problem you are facing?

System Phase

Please tick all applicable

Available Battery Types

Do you know your average hourly power consumption?

Did your peak usage increase?


How did you discover Polokwane Solar Solutions?